Sumolight Presents to the ICLS!

Hello everyone! This weekend we are pleased to announce that Sumolight will be presenting to the ICLS! We’ll be joined by their teams from Los Angeles, London, and Berlin for a Zoom demo of the Sumosky and the new Sumomax lighting system.

If you’d like to peruse the specs on their fixtures, you can do so here:

Sumosky Info:

Download SUMOSKY_web_xs.pdf

Sumospace Info:

Download SUMOLIGHT_Flyer_A5_SUMOSPACE_System.pdf

Sumomax Info:

Download SUMOMAX_Preliminary_Flyer_Specs_2022_2s.pdf

Meeting Info:

The meeting will begin at 12PM PDT as usual, and the invite is in your email. Sumolight has recently become an ICLS sponsor, so they’ll also be available to reach on the Discord server. If you’re an ICLS member and you’re not on the Discord, email Bea at [email protected]

We hope to see you all there!